Friday, June 8, 2012


So, we found an apartment complex that isn't much farther from BYU then our current place that's cheaper and newer and cheaper, and has as dishwasher AND AIR CONDITIONING!! When we first moved into Wymount we assumed there would be air conditioning. yeah, they don't. sure you can put in a window thing, but it's just not the same. 

Anyway, I've been doing random cleaning projects and today.. was bigger then what i expected. Winston has had a LOVE SAC for a few years now and it has never ever never ever been cleaned. SO, i unzipped the beast and MADE A HUGE MESS!!

How could this much be stuffed into such a small space?! the foam took over our whole bed! 

So, if your thinking of throwing your old couch out, just tear out the foam in the cushions to make your own love sac :)